Friday, 26 July 2013

The Oldest Music Instrument, Ocarina

I have recently been amazed by this small whistle-like instrument. Thanks to my sweet cousin who presented me this sweet Ocarina that she got from a trip to Taiwan.

My Ocarina is made from ceramic, and I can put it around my neck; it comes pretty handy. It sounds like Indonesian bamboo flute, with complete notes from c to b, including c#, d#, f#, etc. Although I have not managed to play those minor notes.

From the manual book I know that Ocarina is as ancient as 4000 years old. Moreover, they said it is originated from China, although another online source tells me it comes from South America.

Ancient Chinese Ocarina is made from stone, wood, bone, shell, and gourd; the design is inspired by humana or animals. I believe mine looks like a turtle, doesn't it?

Historians believe that Ocarina was played at important ceremonies. The myth has it that the "masters" played it to tame wild beast, and musicians won wars simply because the sound made by Ocarina which was able to hypnotize enemies.

Well, I will go back to master my Okay-rina. Thank you for reading ;)

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Psychological Closure of Missing Someone

I did a bit of psychological reasearch about the feeling of missing someone. Then I came up with these conclusions:

1) It is a nice feeling. Accept it, don't resist!

2) The reasons of missing could be: you are in love, you enjoyed the golden moments with him or her, or simply you just miss his or her qualities.

3) The feeling of missing someone could appear because your souls are not inline in times. Meaning the person you miss might be actually thinking about you too.

Be thankful for the feeling as it is a beautiful gift you can get as a person. It shows how human you are! However do not put off things you have planned. Just live it and ride your rollercoaster!


I miss you with every sorrow and tearflow
realising that you might not miss me back, my dear

Yes we talk and joke as if you were near
but your gaze and touch I forfeit here

Objectively I have myself in control
Subjectively inside I am bumped into uncertain wall
I am haunted by question
which the answer I fear to hear
Trying to put forward all the rationale
yet something opposes it, against me

Too afraid to admit that I need you
Too ignorant to realise that I care
Too fragile to know, I may be in love with you

Jakarta 8th of July, 2013

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Arriving Spain

13th Febuary 2013, 11:30 am

After approximately 20 hrs of flying, I had my entire body arriving at Barajas Airport Madrid, Spain. Bienvenida, Florence! Welcome! This is the land of my dream I will be staying in for the next 88 days. 

I am certain that this journey will be an important milestone for my career, and more importantly my life. Since several years ago, I have set a new goal to be  hispanic expert. Hopefully my arrival this time, the first arrival and hopefully many more to come, will assist me to build the dream.

And like a quote I found yesterday during my visit to Toledo (an hour south from Madrid): I have decided to do things I like, because it is good for health ;)


Thursday, 31 January 2013

Farewell to Comfort Zone

I have been in my comfort zone since September 2012, when I rejoined a latin embassy in Indonesia. As comfort as a kid playing with his dear toy, I do things that I love. Those things are called work.

It was quite a journey to end up here at first. Since my dad had to deal with his health issue, I had been trying to get a job in Singapore, which left me months unemployed. I myself was half-heartedly looking because the lion city doesn't fancy me that much. I offered myself to many companies to do work which mostly I am not very keen on; which most people call work for money. Somewhat apparently it is not "the way" for me.

Out of the blue I contacted the embassy where I had done an internship before, asking whether they have something for me... and they did. What made me jumping around afterward was the fact that they need assistance in cultural section, bullseye! There I was keeping me busy with things I love, culture. Repeat cultura latina (latin culture), which has captivated me for the recent couple years in line with the Spanish language itself. Moreover, I receive enough income as well. Big enough to survive and save some for my future plans.

My zone becomes even more comfortable for the colleagues I have in this small office. We create a very nice working environment, going through day by day with lots of smiles, laughters, and cares for each other, aside from the interesting office talks and music. It didn't take long for us to befriended, also out of the office, although each of us has different character. Pretty interesting too as we tend to mix up languages when conversing, but in the end it is the best way to understand each other. Somehow they glow such positive evergy to each other.

I have been in my comfort zone until....

31st January 2013
is my last day coming to the office before pursuing one of my ultimate dream of going to Spain on the 12th of Febuary.

It is a two-sides coin condition for me. I'm happy that finally I get the opportunity to go to the country which I consider as my second country (after Indonesia). On the other side I am sad to leave the third (Venezuela). Well not pretty much leaving the embassy that concerns me most, but leaving my dear friends does. It makes me think a lot whether I would ever find colleagues like them.

The previous Charge d'affairs who now turns into a friend, spoke to me on her last day working. With teary eyes she expressed it. She said, "When I came to Jakarta, I wanted to leave as soon as I can, but after a while I'd like to stay longer. It is the people who keep me here by heart." I think the same condition is happening to me now. The farewell is even tougher than college graduation. These people in the embassy are my superstars. It is a sure thing that I am going to miss them all soooooo much.

Instead of saying good bye, I'd like to dedicate this Irish blessing quote at my farewell: May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

This is the end of my comfort zone. From here, now am welcoming again uncertainity and surprises. This is the time to farewell the sweet memories and seek for new adventure lining up in the book of destiny.

The superstars:

The Sunshine
The Partner in Crime
The Adorable
The Queen